Australian Embassy
Russian Federation
Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan

Reporting your Passport Lost or Stolen

Australians in Russia and in our countries of accreditations must ensure they carry passports and valid visas throughout their entire stay. A Russian visa is only valid for the passport in which it was issued in. If the passport is cancelled, lost or is no longer valid, the visa also loses its validity. It is therefore important to report your passport lost or stolen as soon as you believe this has occured. This will allow you to apply for a new passport, which you can then use to replace your visa.

It is the responsibility of the passport holder to obtain a replacement visa for the new passport.

If your passport is lost or stolen overseas, you can report it  by contacting us. To replace your passport, you will need to apply for a new passport (adult) or apply for a new passport (child), provide details of the lost or stolen passport, provide a police report, attend an interview, prove your citizenship, and pay the application fee.

If you need to travel soon after you’ve lost your passport, you can be issued with a limited validity emergency passport (under very limited circumstances), which will help you get on a plane home or to your next destination. However, this passport is only valid for up to 12 months and its use may be restricted in many countries. If you don’t need to travel imminently, a full validity passport is a better option. In all cases, you will need to attend an interview with a consular officer or Embassy representative.

Found Passports

If you find a lost Australian Passport that did not belong to you, either in Australia or overseas, you should send it to the Passport Office in your Australian capital city, or return it to the nearest Australian diplomatic or consular mission.

When a passport has been reported as lost or stolen, or if it was found by someone else and handed in, it is immediately cancelled and blocked electronically by Australian and international border authorities.  This is to protect against misuse and identity theft. Cancellation is permanent and the passport cannot be reinstated, even if subsequently found.